Novar Nursery

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GIRFEC – Getting It Right For Every Child

What is GIRFEC?
Getting it right for every child aims to improve outcomes for all children. It puts the wellbeing of children and young people at the centre and provides a common, shared framework for all agencies involved in supporting them.

What does GIRFEC mean for you and your child?
You will be involved in any process and decision which affects you

GIRFEC promotes a shared approach that:

  • enables children and families to get the help they need when they need it
  • builds solutions with and around the children and families
  • involves working together to make things better
  • it enables you to understand your responsibilities and the responsibilities of others in relation to your child’s health and wellbeing.

How will your child be supported?
GIRFEC means that access to help is made easier when everybody involved with a child knows who to contact.

All agencies involved in supporting your child will be invited to contribute to their wellbeing and assessment plan, if they have one.

At Novar we have developed a GIRFEC profile which we will use to record events, observations or information shared by you—to help us support your child’s wellbeing.  Your child’s keyworker and senior management staff will discuss the information we record with you as well as strategies to support your child.

Information about you and your child will not be shared without your consent (the exception to this would be relating to a child protection matter).

More information can be found on the Scottish Government website.